Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cooking Time #1 - Baked Macaroni with Beef and Special Love from Mother and Her Daughter :)

Actually, I'm not too good in cooking but now I just try to share a recipe of Baked Macaroni. I got the references recipe from many sites, one of them is Allrecipes. The recipe have been improved and developed by my mother B) 
Me and my mom made this baked macaroni on last Tuesday. For my first try in cooking, it was nice! So, here it is the ingredients and steps :)

  • a pack of macaroni (of course!)
  • 400ml of water
  • milk / creamer
  • butter
  • beef
  • pepper
  • three of eggs
  • salt
  • a cup of love 

Boil the macaroni in a pot of water until half-cooked or it quite swell.
(You can also use salted waterto boil it) 

Drain the macaroni and give it a spoon of butter
Whisk two eggs and milk in a large cup. Stir it well.

Stir-fry half-cooked beef with butter. Add the eggs and  milk. Wait until its smell spread. 
(You can also add cheese on it)

Put macaroni and pour it with the eggs-milk-beef. 

Put in into a prepared baking dish.
(Layer prepared baking dish before with  butter to make it easier to serve)

Add some pieces of paprika to give you a bit of hot flavour. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
(Again, pour an egg to make macaroni more sticking each other)

Bake it until the top is brown and you smell a very delicious aroma. Voila, serve it!
P.S : I'm sorry because I forgot to take the final photo of this Baked Macarony :'(

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chocolate :9

If you asking me what is on earth that I love the most besides my family and my friends I'll answer it out loud, Chocolate!
Give me chocolate and I'll give you my sweetest smile
Give me chocolate and I'll guide you to walk around this beatiful city
Give me chocolate and I'll hug you warmly
Give me chocolate and You'll see I dance every dance in this world
Give me chocolate and You'll have my phone number
Give me chocolate and You'll hear I sing "I Love You" song by Barney
Give me chocolate and I'll crush on you, love you, and kiss you
But don't give me too much chocolate because my mom will getting anger
Don't give me too much chocolate or my father will chase and kill you
Don't give me too much chocolate or my brother will torture you
And don't give me too much chocolate or my friends will terror you
Because they all are afraid your chocolate will make me addicted and getting insane
And I'll die right after you are running out of your chocolate stocks and cant give me more

Chocolate addict

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

another side of my id-fitr this year :'(

Hey, it seems that I haven't say any kind of Id-Fitr greeting. How terrible I am, it's already Syawal 3rd, 2 days late :| Okay... Eid Mubarak, everyone! Forgive me if I ever had mistakes and it bothered you :)

Well, I feel my Id-Fitr this year is a little bit quiteful than in years before. Why? Because I loss of my two sisters. They just married and it means they have to celebrate Id-Fitr with their new family. Moreover their mates aren't from Pontianak. My first sister -- Mutya -- married with a Sundanese (from Garut, Bandung). Meanwhile my second sister's -- Adelia -- husband is a Lomboknese (from Mataram, Lombok).

Lovely mate - Herdi and Mutya - on January 15th, 2012
Lovely mate - Adelia and Toni - on June 23rd, 2012
See our long time ago faces, it's so funny - Adelia, Adof, Me, Mutya - about 10 years ago
Although sometimes I felt distracted by them because they like to tease me, didn't meet them this Id-Fitr -- the moment when our family can gather all -- it just like there is a missing piece when you played puzzle. Moreover they married in the same year. Mutya in January, Adelia in June. Strike at once!

My only hope for them are they can live happily, build their own family, and be a good wife and mother next. Aamiin. Well, Adelia is having a pregnancy now. I can't wait to have a nephew/niece soon. Hell yeah, I'll hear me called "Tante (Auntie) Dini". I feel being so old now. How cruel this world is -___-

P.S: really sorry for my english writing ability :'(

Monday, August 20, 2012

Generasi Synergy

When I'm bored with any kind of love song then I found this song. I hope there will be more band or singer that create a song like BLP did. Song which is so meaningful.

Moves to the beat to the rhythm, moves to the beat to the rhythm
Waktunya pemuda tidak hanya berdiam diri saja
Kita harus bisa berdiri dan berkarya bagi bangsa
Moves to the beat to the rhythm, moves to the beat to the rhythm

Bangkit bersama generasi synergy

Yakinkan dirimu engkau bisa taklukkan dunia

Bersama kita coba move our feet

Never resist or quit, take some speed
Kolaborasi dan karya synergy hasrat jiwa
We are the chances that Indonesia need
Yes indeed, generasi synergy

Maaf kalo sejak lama kami gusar, kesal

Karna kita tak sepenuhnya sadar

Bahwa tak cukup sadari kita bangsa besar
Kalo mental kita masih bagai majikan saja
Sinergikan usaha segala karya
Kita pelaku jangan diam saja
You've been askin' for the world to change,
Ain't nothin's gonna change if you decided not to do a thing

Moves to the beat to the rhythm, moves to the beat to the rhythm

Moving to the beat to the rhythm, moving to the beat to the rhytm

Yakinkan dirimu engkau bisa taklukkan dunia

Bersama kita coba move our feet

Never resist or quit, take some speed
Kolaborasi dan karya synergy hasrat jiwa
We are the chances that Indonesia need
Yes indeed, generasi synergy

Take one step and slide beside

Want to make a better place

Man you decide, generasi synergy
Say take one step and slide beside
Want to make a better place
Man you decide, generasi synergy
Moving to the beat to the rhythm
(Generasi Synergy - Barry Likumahuwa Project)

This song is so great. I love the spirit inside its lyrics. Spirit to change our country to be better. Because we are youth, the new generation that have a big role in changing Indonesia.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Merdeka? Merdeka!

Ibu pertiwi ini tengah berulang tahun yang ke-67
Nusantara penuh khidmat merayakan kemerdekaannya
Dirgahayu Indonesia, memenuhi seluruh media sosial dan tempat-tempat publik
Orasi tema kemerdekaan dan perjuangan membahana di seantero negeri
Nasionalisme terlihat di tanggal yang sama bulan yang sama tiap tahunnya, 17 Agustus, tanggal lainnya?
Euforia kemenangan begitu kentara dengan kenyataan yang ada
Soekarno, Hatta, dan pejuang lainnya telah mengorbankan banyak demi merebut kemerdekaan, namun apa daya mempertahankan memang lebih sulit adanya
Ikrar bangsa sepertinya hanya jadi intermezo saat ngopi sore
Akankah negeri kita terus seperti ini?

Sulit wujudkan cita-cita bangsa... Mana memajukan kesejahteraan umum? Mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa?
UUD '45 dan Pancasila hanya formalitas pelengkap unsur negara, idealisme yang tak terwujud menjadi realitas
Dilema bangsa berkepanjangan
Apa ini yang namanya merdeka?
Hanya sekedar hak bangsa yang tak dihargai setelah mendapatkannya?

Mereka yang sebulan sekali pergi pulang ke luar negeri, sementara yang lain berlindung dari sengatan matahari dan hujan pun tak ada tempat
Elaborasi kekayaan negeri untuk kemakmuran diri sendiri, saat yang lain kesulitan nafkahi anak dan istri bahkan diri sendiri
Romantisme remaja dengan produk globalisasi di genggaman, tak pedulikan remaja lain yang bahkan ingin punya buku saja tak mampu
Degradasi moral pemimpin bangsa, pengemban amanat rakyat
Elegi penderitaan rakyat
Kemana sih hati nurani bangsa?
Apa kita benar-benar sudah merdeka?

Impianku sedehana saja, walau kadang terdengar muluk oleh kita
Nanti suatu saat, eh tidak, kalau bisa saat ini, Indonesia bangkit, tunjukkan kemampuan kita
Dunia tak akan pandang negeri ini sebelah mata
Orang Indonesia dari segala kalangan bersatu untuk majukan negeri ini
Negeri yang sesungguhnya kaya, sangat kaya, akan alam dan semangat bangsanya
Emansipasi pemuda yang jadi kunci pergerakan
Sempurnakan segala perjuangan
Aku harap, merdeka seutuhnya!

Sumpah setia baktikan jiwa pada masyarakat
Ulama, pendeta, biksu saling rangkul menjunjung perdamaian
Deklamasikan cita-cita bersama 
Akan warna baru hidup di Indonesia
Harus merdeka! Aku yakin Indonesia!

Membangun bangsa, berbakti pada negara
Energi kita tentu harus lebih besar karena yang kita lawan bangsa sendiri
Rawe rawe rantas malang malang tuntas denganmu Indonesia
Dedikasikan pikiran, jiwa, dan raga
Engkau yang sadar dan yakin, mari bersama
Kobarkan semangat persatuan bangsa
Aku yakin Indonesia bisa merdeka seutuhnya! Merdeka bukan pakai tanda tanya, tapi pakai tanda seru!

Dini Aprilia Norvyani
17 Agustus 2012

I'm just an Indonesian youth who trying to express my thought about "independence" word in kind of a poem. Even though it's too late to publish it two days after Indonesia Independence Day on August 17th. 
Happy Independence Day Indonesia! I'm proud to be a part of you :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jatuh Cinta Seharusnya...

Efek Rumah Kaca is absolutely right...

Menurutku, jatuh cinta itu seharusnya memang biasa saja

Kita berdua hanya berpegangan tangan
Tak perlu berpelukan
Kita berdua hanya saling bercerita
Tak perlu memuji
Kita berdua tak pernah ucapkan maaf
Tapi saling mengerti
Kita berdua tak hanya menjalani cinta
Tapi menghidupi
Ketika rindu, menggebu-gebu, kita menunggu
Jatuh cinta itu biasa saja
Saat cemburu, kian membelenggu, cepat berlalu
Jatuh cinta itu biasa saja
Jika jatuh cinta itu buta
Berdua kita akan tersesat
Saling mencari di dalam gelap
Kedua mata kita gelap
Lalu hati kita gelap
Hati kita gelap
Lalu hati kita gelap

(Jatuh Cinta Itu Biasa Saja - Efek Rumah Kaca)