Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Best Day Ever!

check this site http://siswapsma.org/file/osn2​011.zip and see the result of "kebumian"

I pass the Selection of Geoscience Olympiad.

See my name there, make me so grateful today, thanks Ya Allah :)
2011 absolutely my year <3
Manado, here I come!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Some Changes

As my promise, I'll try to post routinely during this holiday. I have just already made some changes on this blog appearance. Some additional, exactly. Without changed the template, with purpose to keep my blog view looks simple.
I just added some widgets, like clock, facebook badge, skype status, and twitter icon. And also, I found it, from blog-walked, the cute one, Punkymoods, funny hand-drawn mood emoticons.
Punkymoods. Show your moods in an unique way!

The way is easy. Just sign in, and you can add those cute mood emoticons to your blog :)
Oh yeah, the last one, becomes my favorite, an application, earth-moon phase, that somehow give me a motivation every time I see that.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Project during Holiday

When had I written this blog last time? Okay, I’m so sorry. Yeah, you are absolutely right. Busy. That becomes my reason for this lateness, again and again. I’m sure you’ll think, “Oh please Dini, you’re so quasi busy.” Well, I don’t care.

By the way, I had been being in holiday since June 26th, and I’ll be back to school at July 13th. July 18th actually, but I am the committee of New Student Orientation in my school. So, I have to allow my precious four days of holiday to give my dedication to my school, fulfill my responsibility of becoming a leader of my school organization (OSIS - in Indonesia), and this is my last event before I should give my leadership to the next one. Because, when I start enter the new school year, I will no longer allowed to be too active in all of the school extracurricular, just to focus on the FINAL EXAMINATION (yeah with Caps Lock to aware me).

And also, I have many things to do here, than spend my parents’ money to go out of town this time. I have a project to make a kind of innovation “Teknologi Tepat Guna (Appropriate Technology) to be joined in a competition. With my other 4 friends, who (surprisingly) are boys. It means I’m the only one girl in my team.

Oh yeah, happy birthday to my only one little brother, he’s bigger now, 12 years old, and will start to enter his new stage of live in junior high school. My wish for him, I hope he’ll can decide for the best of all the choice that may he face later.

Though you like to disturb me, I'll always love you my brother :* :)
See you in the next post. It seems, I'll often write again in this blog, during this holiday. Keep waiting, okay? ;)