Saturday, June 9, 2012

Krisis Pendidikan

Kata pembukaan di konstitusi...
Tujuan nasional kita mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa
Kata pasal-pasal di dalamnya...
Tiap-tiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan
Untuk kemajuan peradaban
Atas nama kesejahteraan umat manusia

Ki Hajar Dewantara pasti kecewa di atas sana
Melihat usahanya bangkitkan pendidikan bangsa...
kini terpuruk kembali
Ing ngarsa sung tulada
Ing madya mangun karsa
Tut wuri handayani
Semua telah teragresi

Kartini juga pasti sedang tersedu-sedu
Habis gelap terbitlahlah terangnya
Kini menjadi habis gelap terbitlah terang, kemudian...
Kembali gelap
Huh, sepertinya pendidikan bangsa sedang dilanda krisis energi

Dini Aprilia Norvyani
19 Februari 2012

Graduated! Bandung Institute of Technology, Here I Come!

Hey! I'm back. Finally, I wake up from my hibernation (what kind of hibernation that take time along almost a year? T_T)
I disappeared from blogging because I had to focus on my final examination -- main requirement to graduated from high school -- and also I had to study hard to faces the SNMPTN (national selection to enter state university)
Allah bless me, I graduated although my final score wasn't much great. I just happy I passed it. Another bless from Allah, I have been accepted also as the college student of Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology.
I cried right after I had seen the announcement that stated I passed the selection.

(One of) my dream(s) came true :)