Monday, March 18, 2013

AEO photos, again

cockroaches girls
there's a funny story behind on why do I call three of us 'cockroaches girls'

iyoo and lee did very well as the main quarter-finalist

me and my awesome teammate, Jordi
unfortunately, we were just one more step to being novice champion
when finally judges decided that other team was better
next time, we have to grab it Jor :D
crap! i look so fat in this photo :(

the champion of  British Parliamentary Debate @ AEO 2013
Vicario and Ojan
I'm completely proud of them.
I hope next time I can be as gorgeous as you guys :')

thanks to Bea who have been documented these precious moments during AEO :)


Udah tau menunda-nunda pekerjaan itu nggak baik, tapi kenapa saya tetep aja suka ‘nggak sengaja’ ngelakuinnya ya. Menggoda banget sih abisnya -____-
Oh please go away from my sight, i’m not interested on you anymore!

Dini Aprilia Norvyani
-abg labil yang lagi menunda ngerjain tp fisika dan nunda belajar buat uts kalkulus 
yang justru malah ngepost nggak penting di blognya-


Sunday, March 17, 2013

ITB Squad of AEO 2013 (February 17th - 21st 2013)

ITB Squad of AEO 2013
from left to right (back row) iyo, lee, vicario, jordi, ojan (front row) dini - me, bea, anggi

Saturday, March 16, 2013

puisi jadul :D

Ini hasil dari kerjaan iseng buka-buka folder lama. Eh ketemu puisi jadul, tahun kapan ya ini saya buatnya, perasaan udah lama banget. Ngakak sendiri bacanya, sebegini random dan anehnya saya dulu bikin beginian --"

Berkali-kali kubaca buku pelajaran Biologi yang kupinjam dari perpustakaan sekolah
Ronyok halamannya lantaran berkali-kali kulipat, kubuka, dan kubaca
Kata kunci yang sama dengan variasi kata berbeda, berulang kali kuketikkan di kotak mesin pencarian internet
Aku masih kelas 6 SD, tak mengerti benar dengan arti alel, faktor VII, IX, atau apalah itu
Tapi dengan keras tetap kucoba pahami materi ini
Perkataan ibu guru di kelas tadi, masih terus berkeliaran di pikiranku
Berusaha menjawab rasa penasaranku selama ini
Mengapa ayah dan ibu menomorsatukan adik laki-lakiku itu dalam segala hal
Menyayangi, melindungi, seolah dialah anak mereka satu-satunya
Dibilang anak bungsu pun, bukan. Masih ada, seorang adik perempuan terkecil di keluarga ini
Menetes air mataku, aku memang tak mengerti benar selama ini
Menyesal, itu yang aku rasakan sekarang
Mengapa aku baru tau sekarang
Mengapa baru tadi pagi, ibu guru mengatakan tentang hal itu
Mengapa tak langsung saja kukatakan rasa iriku selama ini kepada ayah dan ibu
Agar mereka bisa memberi pengertian kepadaku
Sebelum semuanya terlanjur terjadi
Bukan kehendak ayah dan ibu, mereka lebih menaruh perhatian kepada adikku, tidak kepadaku atau pun adik perempuan terkecilku
Bukan salah ayah, mencintai ibu, dan akhirnya menikah
Bukan keinginan ibu, mewarisi kromosom x pembawa sifat hemofilia itu
Bukan salah mereka, adikku harus mengalaminya
Salahku, yang tak mau mengerti
Salahku yang selalu iri, yang karena keirian itu dengan sengaja kudorong dia hingga jatuh dan terluka dan harus segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit
Salahku sendiri aku dimarahi ayah dan ibu, atau barangkali mereka akan sangat membenciku
Salahku, tak mau peduli dengan lebam dan kucuran darah adikku yang tak mau berhenti
Salahku, tak mau tahu memar-memar di sekujur tubuh adikku yang tak hilang berminggu-minggu
Seharusnya bisa kujaga adikku, dia hanya mutiara kecil rapuh dan rentan
Seharusnya bisa kuhapus keresahan ayah dan ibu, mereka diberi tugas penting oleh Tuhan, mempertahankan adikku
Ayah, Ibu, Adik, maafkan aku, aku hanya belum mengerti

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

because problems exist to make us keep alive...

Well I woke up to the sound of silence
and cries were cutting like knives in a fist fight
And I found you with a bottle of wine
Your head in the curtains
And heart like the Fourth of July

You swore and said,
"We are not, We are not shining stars"
This I know,
I never said we are

Though I've never been through hell like that
I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry on, carry on

So I met up with some friends at the edge of the night
At a bar off 75
And we talked and talked about how our parents will die,
All our neighbors and wives

But I like to think I can cheat it all
To make up for the times I've been cheated on
And it's nice to know when I was left for dead
I was found and now I don't roam these streets
I am not the ghost you are to me

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

My head is on fire but my legs are fine
After all they are mine
Lay your clothes down on the floor
Close the door, hold the phone
Show me how no one’s ever gonna stop us tonight

'Cause we are
We are shining stars
We are invincible
We are who we are
On our darkest day
When we’re miles away
Sun will come
We will find our way home

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry on
May your past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry on

Carry On

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Cooking Time #2 - Red Hot Veggie Fettuccine

Red Hot Veggie Fettuccine is not the name of American rock band who have album named Stadium Arcadium (I mean Red Hot Chilli Peppers, maaf garing -.-) This is second pasta recipes which I create by my own (the first one is Baked Macaroni with Beef -- that created by me and my beautiful mother).

So here the ingredients are:

some of the ingredients
  • olive oil
  • water
  • salt and sugar
  • chili, red pepper
  • garlic and onion
  • tomatoes
  • mushrooms
  • vegetables (spring onion, lettuce, cauliflower, up to you)
  • fettuccine and pasta sauce

I think the key of making pasta is in how the taste of the sauce is, because pasta are just depends on the brand itself and it's not really hard to cook it -- simply just boil it with salted water -- except if you make the pasta also by yourself (wow, I think I wanna learn to make the pasta by myself, feels like I'm a professional chief from Italia. It must be superb cool).
Now, let's start cooking!

  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan with low to medium heat.
  2. Add garlic and onion, cook, stirring occasionally until lightly browned.
  3. Add little amount of water and stir for 1 minute.
  4. Stir in the mushrooms and cook, uncovered, stirring often, for 2 minutes or until they soften slightly.
  5. Season with salt.
  6. Stir the pasta sauce. Bring to the boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook, covered, stirring occasionally for 5-10 minutes.
  7. Put pepper and chili to enrich the hot taste of the sauce.
  8. Add also the vegetables you like and tomatoes, stir it for a while (don’t cook vegetables to long to make sure the vitamin contained in it didn't loss)
  9. Meanwhile, cook the fettuccine in a large saucepan of salted boiling water, stir gently for about 10 minutes. Drain well.
  10. Stir in the sauce over fettuccine and it's ready to be eaten ;)

Voila! This is my Red Hot Veggie Fettuccine
Can't wait to see yours. Happy cooking ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

sebuah pertanyaan untuk menjawab sebuah pertanyaan

untuk siapa pun yang imannya mulai bergetar dengan pertanyaan besar :
"Bagaimana mengungkapkan Ia yang tak terungkapkan?"

cobalah merenung, ini jawaban yang tepat untuk menjawab keresahanmu :
"Bagaimana memikirkan Ia yang tak terpikirkan..."

...karena iman bukan lagi wilayah yang dihuni oleh kata, oleh kalam, atau logos, dan metafisika, melainkan suatu ruang yang berada di antara kata-kata dan kebisuan, antara pemikiran dan non pemikiran, antara pernyataan dan keheningan.

gue ke toko buku tadi siang dan nemuin kata-kata itu dari buku psikologi Islam 
"Teologi Negatif" oleh Ibn 'Arabi
mau beli buat dibaca, tapi gue takut, ilmu gue belum nyampe ke hal begituan, ntar malah salah tafsir
tapi sekarang malah nyesel karna jadinya penasaran
hmmm yasudalah...

so random poem ~ (what? is this post proper enough to be called as "a poem"?

bad feelings are wrapped around her heart
rejection torture her harshly
being ignored even by the wind
she can't hide those feelings anymore
concealment just make her suffer again and again
but she don't know to whom she gonna reveal all
she has no one to be rely on

she closes her eyes and feel the warm breeze on her face
she dreams of tremendous things 
imagination of affection
figuring her own world
hope that her eyes couldn't be opened forever

loneliness kill her slowly

lagi rehat belajar buat uts kimia, iseng bikin beginian
jadinya malah random banget nih puisi
gloomy banget pula, jadi mirip anak emo euh --"