Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chocolate :9

If you asking me what is on earth that I love the most besides my family and my friends I'll answer it out loud, Chocolate!
Give me chocolate and I'll give you my sweetest smile
Give me chocolate and I'll guide you to walk around this beatiful city
Give me chocolate and I'll hug you warmly
Give me chocolate and You'll see I dance every dance in this world
Give me chocolate and You'll have my phone number
Give me chocolate and You'll hear I sing "I Love You" song by Barney
Give me chocolate and I'll crush on you, love you, and kiss you
But don't give me too much chocolate because my mom will getting anger
Don't give me too much chocolate or my father will chase and kill you
Don't give me too much chocolate or my brother will torture you
And don't give me too much chocolate or my friends will terror you
Because they all are afraid your chocolate will make me addicted and getting insane
And I'll die right after you are running out of your chocolate stocks and cant give me more

Chocolate addict

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